How does recovery work?
Strategies to accelerate muscle recovery
Innovative recovery clothing: FLOKY RE-CHARGE
Recovery regenerates the organism after physical activity, restoring the pre-existing functional state and implementing supercompensation, i.e. the adaptation that puts it in a position to better cope with the same circumstance. When the recovery of tired legs, muscles and joints is neglected, the subsequent performance risks showing no improvement or even being inferior. Other risks are connected to the immune system, which, during a period of intense stress, such as high intensity training, is not able to function fully, exposing the body to greater risks if complete recovery and post-rest rest is not ensured. effort.
However, recovery, especially if you train at competitive levels, can be perceived as an obstacle or a waste of time: then it is a good idea to follow some precautions to speed up the time and optimize effectiveness.
How does recovery work?
On a physiological level, recovery consists of the return to homeostasis following intense training sessions. During recovery, the body implements important repair processes of the muscle fibers, aimed at restoring the functional state prior to physical exercise and implementing supercompensation. The latter is a process that is triggered in the body with each workout session: if the right stimulus is given, the body increases its performance to prepare for the next session, stimulates muscle growth, strengthens tendons and ligaments and improves resistence. A greater or lesser capacity for recovery is determined by various factors, such as:
- Biological factors : sex, age, psycho-physical condition and general lifestyle;
- Specific physical factors : level of training, subjective abilities, specificity of the training stimulus applied or undergone;
- Factors related to the health of the organism : nutritional status, level of hydration, use of medications, quantity and quality of sleep.
- Intrinsic recovery factors : application of specific recovery strategies.
Strategies to accelerate muscle recovery
Among the factors mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are many more or less easily manageable, on which it is possible to intervene to positively influence rest and optimize post-workout recovery capabilities.
Muscle recovery: recommended nutrition
It is necessary to follow a diet based on the level and type of training stimulus applied. For ad hoc work, the intervention of a dietician is essential. A general rule is to refuel your body immediately after training and choose a good combination of complex carbohydrates and proteins to build muscle and keep insulin levels stable.

Maintain a good level of hydration
Taking the correct amount of water is strictly necessary to maintain maximum recovery capacity. It is in liquids that most of the nutrients that provide energy to the body are diluted: dehydration, in addition to representing a dangerous loss of mineral salts, jeopardizes both the disposal of catabolites and the renewal processes, compromising the quality of post-muscle recovery. training.
Treat your sleep
All training stimuli are processed while we sleep, provided that 7-8 hours per night are respected: small tissue damage is repaired, muscles develop and both body and mind are regenerated. Otherwise, we can experience a reduced metabolism, slower recovery, irritability, a weakened immune system and uncontrollable hunger pangs.
Always do a cool down and stretch
Each training session should be concluded with a short cool-down phase in which the pace is reduced and the metabolism and cardiovascular system are allowed to slowly return to a normal state, also eliminating accumulations of lactic acid. And finally, stretching, to reduce any tension and maintain the flexibility of the muscles.
Supplement with active recovery
Active muscle recovery involves using a variety of measures to stimulate the body during the resting phase: muscle recovery massage, compression garments, cold water immersion, contrast water therapy and cryotherapy. All these measures, in addition to speeding up recovery times, allow you to reduce the extent of DOMS, post-workout muscle pain.

Innovative recovery clothing: FLOKY RE-CHARGE
The technical clothing designed by FLOKY for athletes is based on the principles of biomechanics, the science that studies human movement to optimize it with less and less risk of injury. RE-CHARGE is the first biomechanical sock specific for post-workout or race muscle recovery:
- Provides improving and regenerative support for all biomechanical functions linked to the tendons and muscles of the foot and leg;
- Allows activation of venous return;
- Promotes the elimination of toxins;
- Stimulates muscle regeneration;
- It allows the tendon parts to be relieved from overload and inflammation;
- Dramatically reduces recovery times.